The basis for the techniques, components and processes that are to be developed within the framework of INVIRTES (integrated development of complex systems with virtual test beds as the basis of key world models and cutting edge eRobotics concepts) is the further development of cutting edge processes used by eRobotics and in this connection, specifically virtual test beds. Taking center stage here are new concepts of world models for multi-dimensional system model management on the one hand and active communication nodes on the other, as well as the development of efficient simulation processes. The overarching objective is to develop techniques, in order to be able to bring together efficiently in a virtual test bed the expertise gained in national and international initiatives, for example in the fields of orbit mechanics, planetary landing, movement on planetary surfaces, surface modelling, on-orbit servicing, etc. In so doing, to be able to support the development steps of a mission on a consistent basis, from analysis to design, visualization, controlling, operating and training through to marketing and the transfer of technology, thereby making it achievable more cost-effectively, robustly and quickly.