In AsTeDiF, an assistance system is being developed to support the machine operator in operational training and learning processes on… Read more »


A tufting machine embroiders a backing material through the interaction of needle, looper and phase. In many cases, adjustment is… Read more »

Virtual Robotics Lab

A picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a thousand pictures – and an interactive simulation is… Read more »


The objective of the DeLas project is the significant reduction of process development and production…


“ReconCell” develops a new type of robot workcell, its required process infrastructures and the economic framework for automated robot assembly, especially designed for the needs of SMEs.


The objective of the DeLas project is the significant reduction of process development and production…


The “IntellAct” project is developing a system that can learn through observing assembly tasks demonstrated by people and have robots reproduce these.


The ProDemo project series deals with robot programming by demonstration and with 3D modelling by demonstration i.e. while a human operator shows how the transport or assembly tasks are done.


The Scalable Automation for Emerging Lab Production project (SCALAB) has as its objective the systematization of the automation of the micro-optical assembly sector.