How can I develop complex systems efficiently? How can interdisciplinary innovation teams work together effectively? How can I explain the workings of my machine to customers, operating personnel and maintenance staff? How can I ensure that an exploration robot will work in space, without having been in a position to test it in practise beforehand? How can I put intelligent systems into effect that know themselves and can perceive their surroundings, then make decisions using this as a basis? The development of concepts aimed at answering questions like this is the focal point of the work done by RWTH Aachen University’s Institute for Man and Machine Interaction (MMI). What we do in this regard is combine state-of-the-art 3D simulation technology methods and innovative concepts from robotics, with electronic media. In the process, what we have come up with is a novel approach to eRobotics.
Making provision for entire virtual test environments in connection with this, are virtual test beds. Here newly developed systems must demonstrate their performance capability in their operational environment under arbitrary boundary conditions. The virtual test beds form the basis both in the first concept studies, as well as for comprehensive tests and the goal-orientated optimisation of individual components or overall systems. When integrated into real systems, virtual test beds enable the implementation of intelligent sensors, actuators or robots. Semantically aware environmental modelling methods bring the world into the computer for this purpose. MMI makes available innovative concepts for diverse areas of application processes in the context of eRobotics with simulation-based engineering and embodied simulation.
This is only a small selection of the work that MMI does. You too can discover the world of eRobotics with its manifold applications!