Bachelor-/Masterarbeit: Integrating Network Simulation in a Multi-Domain Simulation Framework
The use of simulation in engineering usually starts with the investigation of individual components or specific aspects of the system, such as dynamics or thermal behavior. However, modern systems often consist of multiple components, which are connected via various communication technologies. In this case, communication networks become components that can affect the overall system behavior and need to be considered in the system design.
This thesis develops an extensible architecture for network simulation. This architecture will be employed in a implementation of a virtual IP network in the context of a multi-domain simulation framework.
Based on this implementation, concrete simulation scenarios will be created to verify and demonstrate communication between simulated components.

- Review literature and state of the art concerning network simulation
- Develop an architecture for network simulation in a co-simulation context
- Implement this architecture as a plugin for the simulation framework VEROSIM
- Demonstrate the capabilities in concrete simulation scenarios