Master Thesis: Integration of Wireless Communication Simulation in a 3D Simulation Framework
With the advent of the internet of things, specialized Wireless Communication Technologies (WCT) are used to connect devices in different environments, from factories to forests and gardens. The performance of these WCTs can vary dramatically depending on environmental factors, such as geography and the weather.
This Thesis explores simulation methods for simulating WCTs in a 3D environment with the goal of meaningful results regarding the performance of data transmission. Different simulation methods, such as ray tracing, finite difference time domain, empirical models or a combination of these are potential candidates. Which aspects of WCTs can be modeled and what is the necessary level of detail to achieve meaningful results?
These questions are answered using an implementation in the context of the 3D simulation framework VEROSIM. This implementation is evaluated in application scenarios from various domains, such as automotive, forestry or space.

- Research the state of the art concerning the simulation of wireless communication especially with respect to 3D geometries
- Develop a concept and specify the goals of your implementation
- Implement a WCT simulation in a plugin for the simulation framework VEROSIM
- Design representative scenarios and generate simulation models with VEROSIM
- Critically evaluate the approach regarding the specified goals